22 Desember 2007

Travel insurance - why everyone needs to travel accident insurance

More than 1 million pieces of luggage were lost, damaged, delayed or pilfered by American airlines from May to July 2007. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, June and July 2007 and were ranked among the worst months of ill effects in 20 years. It is unfortunate that this figure has increased over the past 5 years. In 2002, 3.84 reports of ill bags provided per 1000 passengers. In July 2007, this figure was 7.93.

Many jobs were slashed after

the historic industry downturn a few years ago, and restrictions on gels and liquids in in 2006 caused a significant increase in the number of screening baggage. This leaves more bags to be examined with fewer staff. Moreover, the major carriers' reliance on hubs. Link flights increase the risk of baggage or not being misplaced in making the trip next time either. With carriers to buy smaller aircraft in the regional market, and there was more baggage restrictions because of the weight restrictions. Aviation industry, says luggage problem due mainly to delays caused by weather and an old air traffic control system. Analysts say that the problem is only going to get worse too, especially during the holiday season and travel.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Buy travel insurance is your best option. Preferred travel insurance policies not only help you with lost, stolen or damaged luggage, missed flight, lost passports, etc., but also have an emergency "911" travel emergency service for Emergency Medical Assistance, at the last moment, or in cases emergency travel changes flight, lost luggage tracking, pre-trip travel advice and more.

Other ways you can help yourself is to book a direct flight. Since this is usually not an option, and select flights at least an hour between the links. Because of the increase in baggage problems, and some people even shipped their belongings to their destination while bringing a small - on the bag on the plane. This option saves you even time (usually 30 minutes), and you must not wait at the airport to check your luggage to arrive.

Make sure you obey the size and packaging requirements for personal hygiene products, medicine, and anything that resembles a weapon is prohibited. Everything in your deportation must search. If you searched, gift wrapped items will definitely be opened. Take metal items such as keys, telephones, pagers, and PDA devices (personal digital assistance), and Los Chang out of your pockets. Put forward at this stage on your account, or in a plastic bag before they get security in the line. This you keep lines moving later to wind up the best experiences. Avoid wearing anything containing minerals, such as clothing, jewelry or other accessories such as heavy jewelry, and clothing with metal buttons or Snaps, Belt Buckles or agent wires Presse. You can be in addition to the screening because of the hidden items such as body piercings, which will cause the metal detector to go off.

Pack your coats and jackets in your baggage when possible. All coats, jackets and carrying You must go through the X-ray machine for inspection. If you choose to wear the coat or jacket outside the checkpoint, you will need to pack and carry it either in your - on baggage or placed in one of the funds provided.

Tom buhlinger http://www.getawayinsurance.com who is the head of AIG Travel Guard provides travel insurance in the United States and Canada. Tom has traveled widely throughout the United States to major ski resorts, and he knows the benefits of buying directly from travel insurance.

Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=thomas_a_buhlinger

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Why travel insurance is important for travelers?

Whether you are traveling for pleasure or business, travel insurance is the most important thing that you should consider first. If you compare between the amount of fees to protect you from loss of luggage, cancellations, delays, disease and so on, is less than the amount and the amount that you have to pay if you are not adequately insured .

How can I be sure? There are many ways as if you pay your trip with your credit card, the credit card company will provide travel insurance for you or most of the travel agencies and airlines also offer different options travel insurance as well. Anyway, the first thing you should do is to find the best insurance company that can meet your needs. You have to ask yourself a lot of questions, you have the right to know exactly what is covered and what is not.

Most travel insurance offers on

the cover of lost luggage, delays, cancellations travel abroad and hospital medical costs. But an important aspect to consider is the medical coverage because of medical costs in the United States, Japan, the Middle East, parts of Europe, South America or Africa are relatively high. So you have to make sure you have the highest level of medical coverage in your insurance policy.

How to choose? As a first step, you should try and find out more about the insurance company using the Internet. The insurance must have a hotline available 24 hours that accept easily reverse charges anywhere you travel. Secondly, if you are travelling on camera, laptop computer, video camera, etc., you should check with your insurance company on the level of coverage and compensation for these items in the event of loss or theft. Third, if you are traveling with "high-risk" activities such as bungee jumping, free fall, and so please be sure to ask if they are covered by your travel insurance policy. Fourthly, check with the insurance company on reimbursement is covered or not in the case of travel for a special event and miss a flight connection or something. The latter is of war and terrorism coverage. You must ensure that you are covered for the medical profession, in every country, that you are traveling to.

Nuttakorn owns HotelsGuru.com, one of the largest hotel reservations in Asia Pacific established since 2002. I am deeply in love to travel and to experiment in new destinations. Check it out our website: Cheap Hotels and you can also visit our journey Blog

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nuttakorn_Rattanachaisit

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27 September 2007


Asuransi jiwa Pada dasarnya terdapat tiga jenis asuransi antara lain:
a. Term Assurance
b. Whole Life Assurance
c. Endowment Assurance
mari kita simak penjelasan masing masing jenis asuransi tersebut yaitu
a. Term assurance (Asuransi Berjangka)
Term assurance ini merupakan bentuk dasar dari asuransi jiwa, yang mana polislah yang menyediakan jaminan terhadap risiko meninggal dunia dalam periode
waktu tertentu.

Contoh Asuransi Berjangka (Term Insurance) :

 Usia Tertanggung 30 tahun
 Masa Kontrak 1 tahun
 Rate Premi (misal) : 5 permill/tahun dari Uang Pertanggungan
 Uang Pertanggungan : Rp. 100 Juta
 Premi Tahunan yang harus dibayar : 5/1000 x 100.000.000 = Rp. 500.000
 Yang ditunjuk sebagai penerima UP : Istri (50%) dan anak pertama (50%)

maksudnya :
Bila tertanggung meninggal dunia dalam masa kontrak, maka perusahaan Asuransilah yang menanggung dan akan membayar uang Pertanggungan sebesar 100 juta kepada yang ditunjuk.

b. Whole Life Assurance (Asuransi Jiwa Seumur Hidup)
Asuransi tipe ini Merupakan tipe lain dari asuransi jiwa yang akan membayar sejumlah uang pertanggungan ketika tertanggung meninggal dunia kapan pun. Merupakan polis permanen yang tidak dibatasi tanggal berakhirnya polis seperti pada term assurance. Karena klaim pasti akan terjadi maka premium akan lebih mahal dibanding premi term assurance dimana klaim hanya mungkin terjadi. Polis whole life merupakan polis substantif dan sering digunakan sebagai proteksi dalam pinjaman. Jadi intinya adalah perusahaan asuransi tetap akan membayar sejumlah uang pertanggungan kepada pihak tertanggung jika sewaktu waktu tertanggung meninggal dunia sewaktu waktu yang tidak dibatasi jangka waktu pertanggungan sehingga asuransi jenis ini akan lebih mahal.

c. Endowment Assurance (Asuransi Dwiguna)
Asuransi tipe ini cirinya adalah perusahaan akan membayarkan sejumlah uang pertanggungan pada tanggal akhir kontrak yang telah ditetapkan.

Contoh Asuransi Dwiguna Berjangka (Kombinasi Term & Endowment)
 Usia Tertanggung 30 tahun
 Masa Kontrak 10 tahun
 Rate Premi (misal) : 85 permill/tahun dari Uang Pertanggungan
 Uang Pertanggungan : Rp. 100 Juta
 Premi yang harus dibayar : 85/1000 * 100.000.000 = Rp. 8.500.000,-
 Yang ditunjuk sebagai penerima UP : Istri (50%) dan anak pertama (50%)

1. Bila tertanggung meninggal dunia yang masih dalam masa kontrak, maka perusahaan Asuransi yang merupakan penanggung akan membayar uang Pertanggungan sebesar 100 juta kepada yang ditunjuk.
2. Bila yang ditanggung hidup sampai akhir kontrak, maka tertanggung akan menerima uang pertanggungan sebesar 100 juta.

Itu tadi 3 jenis asuransi jiwa yang umum kita temui yaitu asuransi berjangka, asuransi jiwa seumur hidup dan asuransi dwiguna. Semoga bermanfaat buat kamu kamu yang pingin memilih industri asuransi untuk kepentingan kamu dalam menyiapkan kemungkinan kemungkinan yang akan terjadi di masa depan kelak.


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Selama berkiprah dan mengikuti perkembangan Takaful baik di Indonesia maupun di dunia, kita semua mungkin lebih banyak mengenal akad mudharabah sebagai salah satu model paling terkenal / popular. Akad / perjanjian ini memang lebih dominan dipakai oleh provider Takaful di seluruh belahan dunia termasuk di Indonesia. Namun demikian, sesungguhnya model pengelolaan dana dalam asuransi syariah tidak hanya menggunakan prinsip mudharabah saja. Berikut ini akan kita coba lihat beberapa model Takaful yang diterapkan di beberapa negara dengan karkeristiknya / cirinya masing-masing, antara lain:

1. Non-Profit Model. Model seperti ini biasanya dipakai oleh perusahaan sosial milik negara atau organisasi yang dikelola secara non profit (nirlaba), sebagai contoh: Al Sheikhan Takaful Company di Sudan yang mana mereka telah menerapkan pembayaran premi dengan 100% berupa tabarru (derma) yang digunakan untuk membantu / menolong anggota lain yang mengalami musibah. Kata Tabarru itu sendiri merupakan perkataan Arab yang mempunyai arti kata “ menderma secara ikhlas “. Model seperti inilah yang sesungguhnya paling mendekati konsep dasar asuransi syariah karena selaras dengan kaidah-kaidah berikut : (a) Saling bertanggung jawab. Semua peserta dalam asuransi syariah adalah satu keluarga besar yang mempunyai kewajiban saling bertanggung jawab antara satu dan lainnya. Memikul tanggung jawab dengan niat baik merupakan ibadah. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Kedudukan hubungan persaudaraan dan perasaan orang-orang beriman antara satu dengan lain seperti satu tubuh, apabila ada anggotanya yang sakit, maka akan seluruh tubuh akan ikut merasakannya.” (HR. Bukhari Muslim). (b) Saling bekerja sama. Para peserta bersetuju untuk bekerjasama dan saling membantu diantara satu sama lain dalam unsur kebaikan (QS. Al-Maidah : 2). (c) Saling melindungi. Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang mengandung maksud ini, “Sesungguhnya seorang yang beriman ialah siapa yang memberi keselamatan dan perlindungan terhadap harta dan jiwa manusia.” (HR. Ibnu Majah). Peserta menyetorkan preminya dengan niat tabarru ( menderma ) dan perusahaan asuransi syariah selaku pengelola akan mengelola dana peserta sesuai kaidah-kaidah syari.
Dengan melihat kepada hakekat asuransi ini, maka kita akan mendapatkan kenyataan dan tujuannya adalah saling tolong menolong untuk menghadapi mara bahaya dan musibah yang terkadang menimpa sebagian orang dengan cara menggantinya dari uang yang telah dikumpulkan dari hasil premi mereka dan bukanlah tujuannya untuk mencari keuntungan atau menjadikannya lahan untuk mencari penghasilan.
Menjadi sebuah permasalahan dilematis ketika banyak muncul pertanyaan dari nasabah asuransi syariah tentang keabsahan akad tabarru karena terdapat kontroversi antara definisi keikhlasan dalam berderma dengan nilai nominal tabarru yang telah ditetapkan oleh pengelola. Memang, layaknya sebuah hibah atau shadaqah, besar kecilnya tabarru semestinya tidak ditentukan pengelola namun diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada peserta / anggota. Akan tetapi dalam asuransi syariah diperbolehkan adanya derma bersyarat yang mana pengelola terpaksa menetapkan kadar / ukuran tabarru setiap peserta sesuai dengan risiko yang dibawanya agar terpenuhi unsur keadilan. Dengan demikian, jika seorang peserta membawa risiko yang besar maka kadar tabarru yang disumbangkan mestilah sepadan dengan risiko tersebut.
2. Al-Mudharabah Model, Secara teknis, al-mudharabah adalah akad kerja sama usaha antara dua belah pihak yang mana pihak pertama menyediakan modalnya 100% sedangkan pihak yang lainnya menjadi pengelola. Untuk itu Disini terjadi pembagian untung rugi diantara anggota (shahibul maal) dan pihak pengelola / perusahaan asuransi (mudharib). Beberapa provider yang menerapkan akad ini antara lain Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Malaysia), Syarikat Takaful Singapore Pte Ltd (Singapura), Insurans Islam TAIB Sdn Bhd (Brunei Darussalam), dan Syarikat Takaful Indonesia (Indonesia). Keuntungan usaha secara mudharabah dibagi menurut kesepakatan yang dituangkan dalam kontrak, sedangkan apabila rugi ditanggung oleh pemilik modal selama kerugian tersebut bukan akibat kelalaian di pengelola. Seandainya kerugian itu diakibatkan karena kecurangan atau kelalian si pengelola, maka pengelola harus bertanggung jawab atas kerugian tersebut.
Kontrak bagi hasil disepakati di depan sehingga bila terjadi keuntungan maka pembagiannya akan mengikuti kontrak bagi hasil tersebut. Misalnya saja kontrak bagi hasilnya adalah 60:40, yang mana peserta mendapatkan 60 persen dari keuntungan sedangkan pihak perusahaan asuransi mendapat 40 persen dari keuntungannya.
3. Wakalah
Meskipun sampai saat ini kontrak kontrak asuransi syariah masih didominasi akad mudharabah, namun oleh beberapa ahli ekonomi Islam mulai memberi catatan khusus terhadap jenis akad ini. Penolakan akad mudaharabah difokuskan pada sedikitnya 3 (tiga) hal :
• Definisi profit sharing dalam akad mudharabah adalah "tingkat pengembalian dana hasil investasi" sedangkan dalam prakteknya, yang terjadi bukan profit sharing tapi surplus sharing dimana yang dibagihasilkan adalah hasil investasi + modal pokok yaitu dalam kondisi apabila seluruh dana premi yang terkumpul masih tersisa setelah dikurangi beban asuransi dan biaya operasional.
• Peserta Takaful dalam akad mudharabah sebenarnya hanya bertanggung jawab atau berkontribusi terhadap suatu kerugian sebatas pada dana yang ia setorkan. Hal ini berbeda dengan asuransi dimana nasabah bertanggung jawab terhadap suatu klaim dalam jumlah yang tidak terbatas.
• Kontribusi premi yang diniatkan sebagai tabarru (derma) tidak secara otomatis dapat ditarik kembali oleh peserta dalam bentuk pengembalian premi atau nomor claim discount karena konsep dasar tabarru adalah hibah seharusnya tidak bisa dimanfaatkan kembali oleh si pemberi hibah sendiri.
• Dalam model mudharabah, seluruh peserta bertanggung jawab terhadap musibah yang dialami peserta lain, termasuk untuk membayar beban-beban asuransi lain (biaya reasuransi, medical expenses, legal fee, dll) sedangkan pengelola (operator) hanya bertanggung jawab terhadap semua pengeluaran yang terkait dengan operasional dan hasil investasi sesuai kapasitasnya dalam akad mudharabah. Dalam kenyataan di beberapa model mudharabah, biaya marketing dan komisi bukan merupakan pengeluaran operator tapi dibebankan kepada Takaful fund.
Berbeda dengan akad mudharabah, dibawah akad wakalah, Takaful berfungsi sebagai wakil peserta dimana dalam menjalankan fungsinya (sebagai wakil), Takaful berhak mendapatkan biaya jasa (fee) dalam mengelola keuangan mereka. Dalam konteks yang ideal, Takaful tidak lagi mendapatkan bagi hasil karena seluruh dana beserta hasil investasinya menjadi hak penuh dari peserta. Namun demikian, pihak pengelola berhak mengenakan biaya manajemen atau biaya operasional. Contoh lembaga yang sudah menerapkan adak ini adalah Bank Aljazira.
Akad dalam asuransi syariah sebenarnya memiliki variasi atau jenis yang beragam. Dan oleh karena praktek asuransi perusahaan (tijari) yang berkembang selama ini pada dasarnya tidak dikenal di jaman Rasulullah maka menjadi tugas para ekonom muslim, terutama ahli dan praktisi asuransi syariah untuk terus melakukan kajian lebih mendalam guna mencari formula yang ideal dalam menyempurnakan sistem operasional bisnis asuransi syariah. Wallahua’lam.


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25 Agustus 2007

Difference of Conventional Insurance and Moslem law

conventional Moslem law life insurance and life insurance haves a purpose is same that is management or penanggulangan risk. Basic difference between both are way of its(the management. risk management of conventional insurance in the form of transfer of risk from the participants to insurance company ( risk transfer) while Moslem law life insurance embraces principality to help each other by dividing risk between life insurance participant ( risk sharing).

Besides there are also difference of way of managing element of insurance product savings. At Fund management Moslem law life insurance embraces investment of Moslem law and free of element ribawi / riba/ interest..

to be more sharpness about difference between conventional Moslem law life insurances and life insurance, following be the explanation :

About Contract or Engagement letters

Clarity of contract or engagement letters ( agreement ) in practice of muamalah becomes principle because will determine validity or not his(its in Moslem law. And so do with contract between participants with insurance company.

Conventional insurance applies contract which in Moslem law called as sales contract ( tabaduli).

This in bond must fulfill sales agreement conditions. Ketidakjelasaan problem of level of premium which must be paid by hinges to participant age which only God tau when we died results conventional insurance contained is so-called gharar ( ketidakjelasaan ) at the contract causing results exchanges engagement letters of good and chattel in conventional insurance in practicing it is defect judicially

While at contract Moslem law life insurance applied do not contract sales but contract to help each other ( takafuli). So Moslem law life insurance applies does so-called as contract tabarru ( donation / contribution ). This contract is alternative of valid money and confirmed in seceding from illicit practice at conventional insurance.

Fund tabarru ' this aim to give benefaction fund with candid intention for purpose of helping each other one with other of Moslem law insurance participant humanity if between of something is hit [by] accident. Along of that is fund tabarru ' kept in one accounts khsusus, where if happened risk, claim fund given is from fund account tabarru ' which have been intention by all participants for the sake of helping each other.

About Contract Al-mudharabah

Above explanation, about contract tabarru ' be donation allocation if happened accident. While element in life insurance can also in the form of savings. In Moslem law life insurance, savings or investment must fulfill Moslem law.

Distinguished it was investment pattern of sharing holder where fund organizer insurance company only collected from the participants. Technically, al-mudharabah is same job(activity engagement letters effort for between two party(sides where first party provides all ( 100 %) legal capital, while other party becoming organizer.

Gain of effort for in mudharabah is divided according to agreement poured by in bond, while if losing, accounted by owner of legal capital during the non hit as result of negligence in organizer. If only the hit is resulted by insincerity or insensitive the organizer, hence organizer must be in control of the hit.

Production sharing contract is disepkati front so that in the event of gain hence its(the division will follow the production sharing contract. Takes example its(the production sharing contract is 60:40, where participant gets 60 percentage of medium gain of insurance company gets 40 percentage of gain.

In the relation with investment, which is one of element in insurance premium, must fulfill Islam Moslem law where doing not know is usualy called as lap / interest. All conventional insurances invests its(the fund with interest mechanism.

So hard conventional insurance to avoid element of lap. While Moslem law insurance in invests in menyimpan its(the fund must to various investment based on Islam Moslem law with system al-mudharabah ( sharing holder).

About Scorch Fund

In conventional insurance is recognized existence of scorch fund, which participant cannot continuing payment of premium and wish to resign before a period of due date. So also with conventional life insurance of non-saving ( doesn't contain element of savings) or casualty insurance, if pot is clean a period of contract and not happened claim, hence insurance premium which have been paid scorch or becomes company gain of insurance.

while in conceptioning Moslem law insurance, its(the mechanism do not know scorch fund. New participant entered is even a because of something or the other wish to resign, hence previous fund or premium have been paid able to be taken again except partly small just which have been intention for fund tabarru' ( sumbangan/ donation) what cannot be taken.

common Moslem law insurance also that way, if pot is clean a period of contract and not happened claim, hence the side of company returns some of the premium with result split mold, for example 60:40 or 70:30 , in essence as according to agreement of contract in the face. In this case hence very possible of premium paid in the beginning of year can be taken again and the numbers hardly hinging with level of investment in the year.

Moslem law Insurance Benefit

Moslem law insurance can become alterntif protection choice for pemeluk Islam wishing product matching with Islam law. This product also able to become choice for pemeluk other religion ( non islam ) what looks into that fair Moslem law concept for they. Moslem law is a universal ber-sifat system or principle ( public ) what can be exploited by whoever, also enthusiastic with Moslem law concept.

Oke formerly in a flash about Moslem law insurance bottom concept, hopefully useful made you all. Thank you and greeting.


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Recognizes Moslem law Insurance Basic Concept

Speaking about Moslem law insurance bottom concept for us as Indonesia citizen is of vital importance because Kita knows that Indonesia is one of Negara which its(the resident majority is islam but product product growing diindonesia with new Moslem law principle principle growed since approximately 3-4 years ago, one of them is is Moslem law insurance product pioneered by PT Insurance Takaful Indonesia is standing since 1994 ago. After the time/date of that is some companies started tills insurance product to base on Moslem law. Alwaysly grows it product product bases on Moslem law is fatherland [by] this hence this diblog elaborated some things about Moslem law insurance bottom concept. Before farther about Moslem law insurance especially in the case of principal principle and its(the mechanism , many moslem circles that is of opinion that the insurance is illicit punished it. I am not a moslem scholar ' or ritualist which can tell if the lawful or illicit insurance punished it. But if something tells the lawful insurance, is the matter correctness?, as well as if something tells the illicit insurance, is that thing also correctness?. To know is the illicit or lawful insurance, let us follows its(the solution in this my blog

Possibly something tells that the insurance not islami?, why that way?, because some of pemeluk islam of opinion that the insurance the same as to opposing qodlo and qadar NYA Allah atu is more precisely is against destiny ( thing ditentukan/ has been specified by God), for example death problem, couple, rizki, accident, pain, etc. Oke, of course basically islam confess that death problem, accident, pain, accident is God destiny. This thing beyond question and cannot be refused and we must receive as it is candidly because any is the God choice is good for us, although according to us that thing is not good but God extremely knows everything which God to destine to us, because God extremely enamoured and humane to all its(the slaves / its(the creature. But we are as man also must know that we also commanded by God to make a planning to face future. This thing has been mentioned in firman NYA QS Al-Hasyr:18 with the meaning: " Hi believe people who is having godfearing to God and so it will every x'self pays attention to has diperbuat have for day morrow ( future) and having godfearing you to God. its(the Sesunguh God The Most knows what which you do". This thing explains that we commanded to plan will which us perbuat for the future we.

In other letter that is letter Yusuf : 43-49, God depicts example of effort for man to form protection system menghadapai ugly possibility is future. Shortly, this sentence tells a story about question of king mesir tetang its(the dream to Nabi Yusuf. Where Egypt king dreams sees seven fat female ox eaten by seven thin ox, and s(he also sees seven green grist booms born fruit and seven red booms runs dry not to bear fruit.

Prophet Yusuf in this case answers so that you to plant seven years and from result of his(its is so it will is kept partly. Later after that will come seven years which very difficult, what finishs does you keep menghadapapi to a period of difficult of tesebut, except a few of what kept.

In this sentence hardly explains that we suggested to try takes care of continuity of life with protecting possibility that the happening of ugly condition. And hardly explains sentence is upper to express that berasurnasi is not be against destiny, even God suggests existence of efforts towards to planning of future with sisitem protection recognized in insurance mechanism.

So, if system protected or insurance is confirmed, question hereinafter is: does insurance which we recognize now ( conventional insurance) has fulfilled other conditions in conceptioning muamalat ( relates to humanity ) in Islami. In mechanism of conventional insurance especially life insurance, at least there are three things which still be illicit by the moslem scholars, that is: existence of element gharar ( in-(un- jelasan fund), element maisir ( judi/ gambling) and lap ( interest). Third this thing will be explained in penjelasaan detail about difference between conventional insurances and Moslem law insurance. Follows its(the solution this diblog also.

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12 Agustus 2007

Mengenal Konsep Dasar Asuransi Syariah

Berbicara masalah konsep dasar asuransi syariah bagi kita selaku warga negara Indonesia adalah sangat penting karena Kita tahu bahwa Indonesia merupakan salah satu Negara yang penduduknya mayoritas adalah islam namun produk produk yang berkembang diindonesia dengan prinsip prinsip syariah baru berkembang sejak kurang lebih 3-4 tahun yang lalu, salah satunya adalah produk asuransi syariah yang dipelopori oleh PT Asuransi Takaful Indonesia yang berdiri sejak 1994 yang lalu. Sejak saat itulah beberapa perusahaan mulai menggarap produk asuransi berbasis syariah. Dengan terus berkembangnya produk produk berbasis syariah ditanah air ini maka diblog ini diuraikan beberapa hal tentang konsep dasar asuransi syariah. Sebelum lebih jauh tentang asuransi syariah terutama dalam hal prinsip prinsip dan mekanismenya , banyak kalangan muslim yang beranggapan bahwa berasuransi itu adalah haram hukumnya. Saya bukanlah seorang ulama’ atau ahli agama yang dapat mengatakan kalau asuransi itu haram atau halal hukumnya. Namun kalau ada yang mengatakan asuransi itu halal, apakah hal itu benar?, dan juga kalau ada yang mengatakan asuransi itu haram, apakah hal itu juga benar?. Untuk mengetahui apakah asuransi itu halal atau haram, mari kita ikuti pembahasannya di blog saya ini

Mungkin ada yang mengatakan bahwa asuransi itu tidak islami?, mengapa demikian?, karena sebagian pemeluk islam beranggapan bahwa berasuransi itu sama halnya dengan menentang qodlo dan qadar-NYA Allah atu lebih tepatnya bertentangan dengan takdir (sesuatu yang telah ditentukan/ ditetapkan oleh Allah), misalnya masalah kematian, jodoh, rizki, kecelakaan, sakit, dll. Oke, memang pada dasarnya islam mengakui bahwa masalah kematian, kemalangan, sakit, kecelakaan merupakan takdir Allah. Hal ini sudah pasti dan tidak dapat ditolak dan kita harus menerima apa adanya dengan ikhlas karena apapun pilihan Allah itu adalah baik bagi kita, walaupun menurut kita hal itu tidak baik tapi Allah maha mengetahui segala hal yang Allah takdirkan ke kita, karena Allah maha pengasih dan penyayang kepada semua hambanya / makhluknya. Namun kita sebagai manusia juga harus mengetahui bahwa kita juga diperintahkan oleh Allah untuk membuat suatu perencanaan untuk menghadapi masa depan. Hal ini telah disebutkan dalam firman-NYA Q.S Al-Hasyr:18 yang artinya: “Hai orang-orang yang beriman bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan hendaklah setiap diri memperhatikan apa yang telah diperbuat untuk hari esok (masa depan) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah. Sesunguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang engkau kerjakan”. Hal ini jelas bahwa kita diperintahkan untuk merencanakan apa yang akan kita perbuat untuk masa depan kita.
Didalam surat yang lain yaitu surat Yusuf :43-49, Allah menggambarkan contoh usaha manusia membentuk sistem proteksi menghadapai kemungkinan yang buruk dimasa depan. Secara ringkas, ayat ini bercerita tentang pertanyaan raja mesir tetang mimpinya kepada Nabi Yusuf. Dimana raja Mesir bermimpi melihat tujuh ekor sapi betina yang gemuk dimakan oleh tujuh ekor sapi yang kurus, dan dia juga melihat tujuh tangkai gandum yang hijau berbuah serta tujuh tangkai yang merah mengering tidak berbuah.
Nabi Yusuf dalam hal ini menjawab supaya kamu bertanam tujuh tahun dan dari hasilnya hendaklah disimpan sebagian. Kemudian sesudah itu akan datang tujuh tahun yang amat sulit, yang menghabiskan apa yang kamu simpan untuk menghadapapi masa sulit tesebut, kecuali sedikit dari apa yang disimpan.

Dalam ayat ini sangat jelas bahwa kita dianjurkan untuk berusaha menjaga kelangsungan kehidupan dengan meproteksi kemungkinan terjadinya kondisi yang buruk. Dan sangat jelas ayat diatas menyatakan bahwa berasurnasi tidak bertentangan dengan takdir, bahkan Allah menganjurkan adanya upaya-upaya menuju kepada perencanaan masa depan dengan sisitem proteksi yang dikenal dalam mekanisme asuransi.
Jadi, jika sistem proteksi atau asuransi dibenarkan, pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah: apakah asuransi yang kita kenal sekarang (asuransi konvensional) telah memenuhi syarat-syarat lain dalam konsep muamalat (berhubungan dengan sesama ) secara Islami. Dalam mekanisme asuransi konvensional terutama asuransi jiwa, paling tidak ada tiga hal yang masih diharamkan oleh para ulama, yaitu: adanya unsur gharar (ketidak jelasan dana), unsur maisir (judi/ gambling) dan riba (bunga). Ketiga hal ini akan dijelaskan dalam penjelasaan rinci mengenai perbedaan antara asuransi konvensional dan asuransi syariah. Ikuti pembahasannya diblog ini juga.

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31 Juli 2007

Travel Insurance Tips

Discovering new places can be the key to self-discovery. But before you commence your quest, you’ve got to make sure you’re covered.

Travel insurance can protect you from substantial losses that result from canceled trips, lost baggage, medical emergencies, and other unforeseeable circumstances.
But choosing a travel insurance package can be tough. Check out the World Travel Center Policy Picker to get quotes, compare, buy, and save on hundreds of travel insurance packages offered by leading providers across the U.S., and heed the following hints:

1. Read the fine print – The devil is in the details, as they say. The fine print of insurance policies makes generalizations about travel insurance absolutely impossible. So read all the details – every last one – before you buy.

2. Timing is everything – Some travel insurance plans require that you purchase the insurance within 7-14 days of paying the initial trip deposit; others require that you purchase the insurance before you leave home; still others allow you to buy online even after you have departed.

3. Determine the deductible – The deductible is the amount that the insured must pay before the travel insurance provider starts paying. Check it out. It may be an annual amount, an amount that gets spread out over the duration of the policy, or an amount for each incident.
Source: http://soundmoneytips.com

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How do I choose the right auto insurance company?

Auto Insurance: How do I choose the right auto insurance company? (an affer from allstate.com)
With so many companies offering auto insurance, how do you choose the one that's right for you? You deserve an auto insurance company that offers more than just auto insurance. What matters most is being able to feel confident that your insurance company will be there when you need it. When researching auto insurance companies, consider the following:

You want to be treated right when you buy car insurance. So seek out an insurance company with a large network of offices, claims centers, agencies, and helpful employees to serve you wherever and whenever you need. Allstate is dedicated to the highest levels of customer satisfaction. We've been serving satisfied customers since 1931 and we insure one out of every nine cars on the road. We’re the 2nd largest insurer of autos and homes in the U.S. We got there by serving customers like you quickly, fairly, and compassionately.
Your local Allstate agent provides personalized service and if you need assistance after hours, don’t worry. You can make a payment, file a claim or just get general information 24/7, through our online Customer Care Center or over the phone at 1-800-Allstate®. We’re always standing by.
Committed Agents
An insurance agent can assist you in making decisions for your changing needs.

Allstate offers a network of approximately 12,900 exclusive agencies and financial specialists in the U.S. and Canada to assist you with your insurance needs. Your Allstate agent offers personalized service in a local office. With a wide variety of policies, optional coverages and other products available, and as your insurance needs change, your local agent will take the time to help so you can make the choices that are right for you.
Responsiveness & Availability
It’s critical that your auto insurance company responds when you really need assistance. When you have an accident, need claims service, or road-side assistance, is help close by? After all, that’s what you’re paying for.
Allstate offers outstanding claims service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With 16,000 claim employees, 500 drive-in claim centers, and 150 claim offices, you’re never far from help. And you can be confident that your claim will be handled efficiently and professionally.
Choose a company that has been there, and will be there in the future. One way to determine financial stability is to do your research. Both A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s offer financial ratings for insurance companies.
Allstate receives excellent ratings for our claims paying ability from A.M. Best, Standard & Poor's and Moody’s.* You can count on our outstanding financial strength and superior claims service to help protect what you value.
Allstate is the easy choice as your car insurance company
In addition to great service and reliability, you’ll get value for your money by purchasing a policy from Allstate. With auto discounts for safe cars and good students, you’ll be surprised how much you could save. Get an online car insurance quote today and find out if switching to Allstate could save you money.

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Mobile Phone Insurance Need Of Today's Trend

Insurance goes a long way in minimising the risks that life throws from time to time. It can, therefore, safely be said that whatever is precious deserves to be insured so that in case of an emergency financial burden is not felt. Talking about precious things, one thing that immediately springs to mind is the mobile phone. With more and more of its variety flooding the market and being lapped up by people clearly proves that mobiles are one of the, if not the, most precious things for people in today’s world.

The point that now arises is that if mobile phones are so important in everyone’s life should people not go for mobile phone insurance. One thing is for sure that mobile phones are quite expensive and in case of theft or damage the owner has to shell out quite a big amount to get the other one. And mobile phones being so important that one can hardly live a second without it, one has to spend money immediately to get its replacement.

Thus, it becomes all the more important that mobiles are insured so that there is no burden that one has to face in case of theft or damage. There are various companies that provide very cheap insurance for mobile phones. Companies also come up with offers that provide free mobile phone insurance in exchange for some purchase. It, therefore, becomes amply clear how important mobile insurance is and that everyone who carries a mobile should always go for one.
Fletcher Mak is an author, write various articles on different themes to expand information, because articles is a good way to send their information to needy people easily. You can get information about mobile phone insurance and other mobile phones.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fletcher_Mak

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Tips on Lowering Car Insurance

One of the best ways to keep your auto insurance costs down is to have a good driving record. But that’s far from the only factor. Check out these other nine things you can do to lower your car insurance costs:

1. Shop Around - Prices vary from company to company, so it pays to shop around. Get quotes from different types of insurance companies: some sell through their own agents; some sell through independent agents who offer policies from several insurance companies; and others do not use agents at all, but sell directly to consumers over the phone or via the Internet. You can call companies directly or access information online. Your state insurance department may also provide comparison price info on major insurers. Check the financial health of insurance companies with rating companies such as A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s and consult consumer magazines.

2. Before You Buy a Car, Compare Insurance Costs - Before you buy a new or used car, check into insurance costs. Car insurance premiums are based in part on the car’s sticker price, the cost to repair it, its overall safety record, and the likelihood of theft. For instance, daytime running lights and anti-theft devices can result in insurance discounts. Check out the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety for more information on the cars that are cheapest to insure.

3. Ask for Higher Deductibles - Deductibles are what you pay before your insurance policy kicks in. By requesting higher deductibles, you can lower your costs substantially. For example, increasing your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce your collision and comprehensive coverage cost by 15-30 percent; going to a $1,000 deductible could save you 40% or more.

4. Reduce Coverage on Older Cars - Consider dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverage on older cars. If your car is worth less than 10 times the premium, purchasing the coverage may not be cost effective. Auto dealers and banks can tell you the worth of cars. Or you can look it up online at Kelley’s Blue Book.

5. Buy Homeowners and Auto Coverage Together - Many insurers will give you a break if you buy two or more types of insurance. You may also get a reduction if you have more than one vehicle insured with the same company. Multi-policy discounts are worth looking into.

6. Maintain a Good Credit Record - Establishing a solid credit history can cut your insurance costs, since insurers are increasingly using credit information to price auto insurance policies.

7. Take Advantage of Low Mileage Discounts - Some companies offer discounts to motorists who drive a lower than average number of miles a year. Low mileage discounts can also apply to drivers who car pool to work.

8. Group Insurance - Some companies offer reductions to drivers who get insurance through a group plan from their employers, professional, business and alumni groups, or other associations. Ask around.

9. Additional Discounts - Companies offer discounts to policyholders who have not had any accidents or moving violations for a number of years. You may also get a discount if you have taken a defensive driving course; or, if there is a young driver on the policy who has taken a drivers education course or is at a college out of the area without a car, you may also qualify for a lower rate.


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